Monday, July 16, 2012

WWOTM Welcome to THE LAKE.

Apparently everyone in Minnesota has a lake house. After all, there are over 10,000 lakes in the state. When I first heard this, I was pretty shocked. Like, everyone has ANOTHER house? It's the city equivalent to going to the beach. Except there's a house there that you can live in.

Every summer we go to MN we always spend a couple days at "the lake." Apparently you don't say, "I'm going to Crystal Lake" you say "I'm going to The Lake." I guess the city equivalent would be not "I'm going into borough of Manhattan" but "I'm going to The City." Make sense? Ok. Let's proceed.

The first time we go out to the lake is usually for the annual 4th of July family gathering. Last summer there were 110 relatives there. This year only 90. Seemed kind of empty if you ask me. We have lunch (it's a GINORMOUS potluck) (this year I spotted 3 tatertot hotdishes (they're not casseroles, by the way. well, if you are in the east they're casseroles.) ).  <-----probably a hundred punctuation rules violated right there. just realized that. moving on.

SO. The lake house is a beautiful cabin that K-man's great-grandfather bought waay long ago for his kids to enjoy. The family has grown since then and now everyone gets to enjoy the beautiful spot in the summer.

 This is the sign you will see on the tree right before you need to turn in to the cabin! So nice and rustic.

The cabin! on the 4th of July gatherings there are lawn chairs filling all the green space you can see here.

 If you turn around this is the view you'll get.  On the left next to the dock is the boat we went fishing in. The canoe in the foreground is a beautiful, but not ideal for fishing. 

 K-man also gets to go wake boarding. I go along in the boat as his glam-team.

For some reason he always gets allergies from being in the lake water. But I guess wake boarding is worth it

being in the water is so much fun! (As long as weeds don't wrap around my ankles and the minnows don't bite my toes!)

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