Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday: I'm Blessed

I am blessed in so many ways I fail to truly and sincerely thank God for. You know, big things like good health and having all my needs met, as well as a lot of my wants.(and who doesn't like a couple of 'extras' thrown in?)
This week I am thankful for some little 'extras' God threw in to my already blessed life.

- pumpkin spice creamer.
- the $8 fossil watch I found at goodwill in new condition (I have been looking for a watch for about a month now)
- playing with the symphony this week. Even though it's a long drive, I enjoy playing great music with a good conductor and friendly musicians. (oh as well as the stellar snacks and goodies they give us during our breaks)
- also music related, I'm so thankful we're doing an all- Beethoven program this week.(last time it was all French music. Don't even ask me to list all the reasons why I hate playing french orchestra music)
- waking up earlier in the mornings. We used to be able to sleep in till 9 some weekdays, but this year 7:30 mornings are the norm. I used to hate it, but now I can get a lot more accomplished in a day.

What are you thankful for?


  1. OK, now I must know what bothers you about French music so that I can sound really smart the next time I talk to someone about music.

    For some reason, your post reminds me that I need to make pumpkin bread. I love fall flavors!

  2. my main complaint is that they make it sooo hard to read and play by putting in sooo many accidentals (which make your eyes go blurry by just reading it), making it a super fast tempo, but have a ppp (extremely soft dynamic). so basically you're working hard to produce a sound effect that no one will appreciate or hear. waste of time. (and I'm speaking from the perspective of a low string player. usually winds and brass feel differently about it)
